Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentines!

My first Valentine.......

I just love you. I always have, always will. My first love. My true love. What a gift you are to me. I love spending this life together and just love your patience, humor, and sensitivity. Thank you for such awesome memories and thank you even more for the next 3 Valentines, they are more than I could have ever asked for! Thank you for partnering in this journey with me.

My Two Valentines

What joy these two bring! I love this picture of my big kids, they just are having so much fun with each other. Makes me forget the times when they aren't having so much fun with each other! Such smiles! How appropriate that they are both in their red jackets too? Love it. Love them. Cale, I just love your heart. You have the biggest heart I have ever found or seen in a child. I love that. And Missy Mary, your SPARKLE that you bring can make my heart bubble over with love for you. I never know what you are going to do or say but I do know you will do it the "Mary" way! You are like no other, and for that I am so glad.

My Tessy Boo

Oh Little Monkey, you are the smallest Valentine! So sweet, sweeter than a candy heart! I love you. You bring us so much joy into this family. So much joy, and happiness. You were sent to us specifically to help give and share your joy! I can't wait to see you grow the next few years!

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